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Master of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

hand touching screen with robotic reflection

Join the AI revolution

Ranked above world standard*

Choose an industry-focused specialisation

Graduate with real-world experience

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24 months

Cost per subject


Total subjects


Course benefits

  • Career-ready. Learn the skills needed for today’s AI positions.
  • Industry-focused. Choose a specialisation aligned to the most in-demand skills for AI.
  • Hands-on. Use the same skills and technologies professionals rely on every day.

Program overview

Kickstart your career in this exciting field with La Trobe’s online Master of Artificial Intelligence course.

You’ll learn to harness key AI technologies and applications that spark innovation throughout industries. Graduate with the technical capabilities to drive change and improve business outcomes across digital healthcare, smart manufacturing, smart cities, sustainable energy infrastructure, precision agriculture and more.

Gain in-demand skills and knowledge in a key technical area of AI with a specialisation in Natural Language Processing.

You’ll study exciting subjects in machine learning, artificial intelligence in bioinformatics, image processing and virtual reality to graduate with a strong foundation in AI and cross-disciplinary skills – an attractive combination for potential employers.

Build hands-on experience using your AI skills to solve real-world problems when you take on an industry-based project. Students have worked with Microsoft, Optus, 4pi Lab, Aerion, Quantum Victoria, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Pivot Maritime International and Axicor.

Career Outlook with the Master’s in AI

The Australian government’s 2021–22 budget to develop AI is AU$124.1M1 while global revenue is forecasted to reach $29 billion by 2024.2 By 2030, it’s projected that 161,000 AI professionals will be needed in Australia.2

View your next career

Natural Language Processing specialisation

Companies throughout the world depend more and more on automation to drive efficiency and stay ahead of their competitors which is why learning the most in-demand AI skills is important in shaping your future career.

As part of your Master in AI, you’ll complete a specialisation in Natural Language Processing where you’ll use advanced programming skills to explore and analyse large amounts of natural language data.

You’ll graduate with deeper knowledge and greater experiences to pave a smooth career path. These experiences will expand your job prospects after graduation and make you a top candidate for the career you want.

Course structure: gain real-world experiences

16 subjects

240 credit points

Our online Master of Artificial Intelligence prepares students from any academic or professional background with the knowledge, skills and experience they need to step into AI roles with confidence.

Course completion options

Complete the online Master of Artificial Intelligence course in a way that makes sense for your career path. Choose from:

  • Industry-based learning. Complete part of your learning through your workplace or at another organisation.
  • Project-based learning. Use La Trobe’s extensive network to complete a real-world project with one of our partner organisations.
  • Research-based learning. Complete industry research that adds to the sector.

Course highlights:

  • CSE5ML Machine Learning
  • CSE4002 Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
  • CSE4DBF Database Fundamentals
  • STM4PSD Probability and Statistics for Data Science
View Complete Curriculum

Entry requirements: enrol today

No cognate degree required

No application fee

To enrol in La Trobe’s online Master of Artificial Intelligence course, you’ll need:

Successful completion of an Australian bachelor degree (or equivalent).
transcripts from all prior universities
View all opportunities

Fee details: invest in your future

$3,950 per subject

16 subjects

Scholarships available

It’s not too late to learn the top artificial intelligence skills so you can step into this rapid-growth sector.

The online Master of Artificial Intelligence at La Trobe provides learning pathways based upon the cognate area of your undergraduate degree. So regardless of your background, you can start building the skills, knowledge and experience you need to accept in-demand positions with high-paying salaries.

Fees are correct at the time of publishing and are subject to change. Scholarships are available.

See fees

Course outcomes

When you graduate from La Trobe’s online Master of Artificial Intelligence course, you’re ready for roles in this rapidly growing sector with advanced skills, knowledge and hands-on experience employers look for.

You’ll know how to:

  • Problem-solve with AI
    Use research skills and deep learning algorithms to develop AI-based solutions to real-world problems.
  • Improve human and computer communication
    Develop natural language processing (NLP) pipelines using code libraries to boost communication output.
  • Design, research and investigate
    Learn how to address design issues using machine learning models, algorithms and computer vision tasks.
  • Use deep learning techniques and AI
    Use deep learning techniques to aid AI functions such as image recognition, machine translation and speech synthesis.
  • Understand the social and ethical impact of AI
    Gain an understanding of the moral and societal issues in the IT industry and the impact of how AI is used.

Graduate certificate and diploma options

Two early exit points mean that every stage of your degree equips you for your future career. Exit after six months with a Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Fundamentals or exit after one year with a Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence.

Your teachers

Learn from experienced researchers and practitioners who can guide you through real-life examples and provide industry insights. They’ll provide expert guidance in the online Master of Artificial Intelligence, so you can take on in-demand roles with confidence.

Professor Henry Duh is the head of the Computer Science and Information Technology department. He holds advanced degrees in psychology, industrial design and engineering and focused his postdoctoral training on a virtual reality project in the NASA-Johnson Space Centre.

Before joining La Trobe University, he was a faculty member in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore; and both the School of Engineering as well as ICT, University of Tasmania.

Professor Duh is an ACM Distinguished Speaker and has published more than 150 conference and journal papers in the HCI area. He was the Co-Director of Keio-NUS Connective Ubiquitous Technology for Embodiments Centre and Director of the Human Interface Technology Lab Australia (a joint research centre between the University of Tasmania and the University of Washington). Professor Duh has attracted more than US$5M funding as the Lead CI/PI (or US$10M as CI/Co-PI) from government agencies and industries.

Duh actively engages with local communities. He was a board director of Tourism Northern Tasmania, an Ambassador of Business Event Tasmania, a member of Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communication Technology, Australia Computer Society (Tasmania branch), CSIRO Data61 University Partnerships Committee and participated in federal and state-funded projects such as Sense-T’s Pathways to Market project and the Australian Research Council’s Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Transforming the Mining Value Chain.

What’s it like to learn online?

As an online student, you’ll work with the same accomplished teachers who deliver our on-campus subjects. You’ll receive one-on-one support and benefit from the same opportunities as our students on campus. However, you’ll get to learn where and when it’s most convenient for you.

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Study assist

La Trobe online courses are eligible for FEE-HELP for domestic students. Speak with an enrolment adviser. We can help you discover what’s available to help you pay for your course.

Talk to us

Frequently asked questions

We’re always happy to chat with you. If you’d rather talk one-on-one or have a question you don’t see answered here, request more information or call (+61 3) 9917 3009.

You can complete your course in just one year if you enrol with a cognate Bachelor’s and study full-time. To see the curriculum, view our subjects page.

Tuition fees range from $48,600–$64,800. The tuition fee is $3,825 per subject. You’ll need to complete 12 subjects if you have a cognate Bachelor’s, 16 subjects if your Bachelor’s is in another area of study. You can review all fee details here.

The first step is to start your application.

La Trobe’s online Master of Artificial Intelligence has four starts a year:

  • 28-Feb-22
  • 2-May-22
  • 18-Jul-22
  • 5-Sep-22

The application deadline is 10 days prior to the start of the course, but the course may close sooner if it becomes full.

Visit our FAQ page

Sources and Citations

*Ranked by the Australian Research Council in 2019 for our research in information systems.

**Please note: Course completion time may be dependent upon your educational background.

  1. Australia’s Artificial Intelligence Action Plan. Direct AI 2021-22 Budget Measures: Implementation and next steps
  2. ACS Australia’s Digital Pulse 2021: Future directions for Australia’s technology workforce