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Online Master of Digital Health: Course structure

Curriculum Details

16 subjects required

The online Master of Digital Health is delivered in a 100 per cent online format to provide flexibility. You can complete your Master’s degree in 2 years full-time.

During your course, you will complete a core of essential digital health subjects and choose from specialisations in Advanced Practice or Applied Research. You’ll also customise your studies by selecting four electives that align with your professional interests. Elective topics include:

  • Data and business analytics
  • eHealth and health informatics
  • Public health
  • Digital marketing
  • Technopreneurship
  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial intelligence

If you’re ready to advance your career in digital health, but circumstances prevent you from pursuing a full degree, we also offer a 60-credit point Graduate Certificate and a 120-credit point Graduate Diploma in Digital Health. Multiple options ensure you can choose the course that’s right for you.

For details about duration, subjects or course structure, speak with an enrolment advisor by calling (+61 3) 9917 3009 or request more information now.

CORE (120CP)


In this subject, you will gain an understanding of what “big data” is, why it is important to the health and healthcare sectors, and how it can be used in real-world applications. You will investigate how data analytics can benefit healthcare delivery, and improve system efficiency and patient outcomes data collection. You will develop a working knowledge of the analytical techniques used to mine big data and visualise it. You will explore the requirements for data research infrastructure, review the current big data landscape (including assets, facilities, and services), and investigate the requirements around information privacy and security in relation to big data in digital health. Data linkage techniques and various strategies to tackle problems relating to data linkage quality will also be explored.

In this subject you will gain an understanding of the growing technological trends, its related issues/problems, and strategies to tackle healthcare problems. It will help you compare and contrast technologies using standard frameworks. You will explore the role of digital health technologies and how they are applied in healthcare, public health and health promotion. You will also learn ethics and law in relation to digital health innovations, and research updates in digital health.

In this subject, you will develop the fundamental skills to communicate effectively in the digital age with internal and external stakeholders, such as healthcare professionals, administrative staff, government bodies, IT vendors, and patients, among others. You will explore different types of digital communication platforms including websites & social media to communicate with different healthcare audiences. You will also gain a deeper understanding of strategic digital communication planning for different types of digital health case studies and identified audiences.

In this subject, you will explore the evolution of virtual care models by learning the “art and science” behind virtual care applications and keeping abreast with the latest developments in technologies (including devices from the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)) used for health delivery. You will learn about the ethical challenges that are faced in this space. You will also evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these technologies and understand the need to provide evidence-based virtual care.

In this subject you will consolidate digital health solution design & implementation knowledge and develop skills to apply your knowledge to relevant work contexts through the use of role-playing, case discussion, and observation. You will gain knowledge about problem analysis and solution design using co-design, human-centered and experience-based approaches. The subject will also provide foundational knowledge of solutions interoperability and change management. You will learn about implementation science in regard to behaviour change design and aspects of converting prototypes into reality.

In this subject, you will gain digital health strategic planning knowledge and see how this can be applied to relevant work contexts through the use of role-play, case discussion and observation. You will explore topics related to digital transformation in the context of healthcare sector. You will examine frameworks to assess organisational readiness and how to develop a systematic digital transformation roadmap. You will learn more about project and change management processes that can help foster and embrace digital change.

Whether dealing with public health issues or trying to improve the performance of a hospital, many of the issues are complex, seemingly embedded within a web of interconnected and often contested causes. Push on one part of the system and something changes to counter the good work. Complexity is often used as shorthand for intractability. In this subject we consider if systems thinking provides the insights needed to grapple with complexity. Systems thinking is interested in the parts of a system and the connections among those parts, the structures established as a result of those connections and the behaviours those structures allow or discourage. You will examine the notion of systems, as an object of study and a way of thinking that changes the way we might look at health problems and work towards their solution, the language of systems, and its concepts, and some of the methods used to define issues, build consensus for action, and evaluate strategies to address problems.

This subject provides students with an understanding of the role of epidemiology and biostatistics in public health. Students are introduced to the main concepts and methods of epidemiology and biostatistics, sources of population data, and how these are applied to identify and address public health problems. Students will be introduced to statistical software packages and learn how to use these to perform statistical analyses. Students will learn how to interpret the results of key epidemiological and biostatistical tests.

Specialisation (60CP): Option 1: Advanced Practice (Choose 1 method CORE choice (15CP))


In this subject, students will learn methods to conduct quantitative research. Students will develop knowledge in defining research aims and questions, hypothesis, sampling, sample size and recruitment, study designs, data collection and analysis. They will learn questionnaire design, and biostatistical techniques required to analyse and draw inferences from health data. Students will use a statistical software package to perform statistical analyses. Students will be introduced to how to display and visualise data before going on to learn how to compare groups using t-tests, ANOVA, and chi-squared tests; test for relationships between two (or more) variables using correlation and linear and logistic regression and look at effect modification and interactions.

The focus of this subject is an introduction to qualitative research methods, however mixed methods research approaches are also considered in relation to epistemological positions. In this subject students will learn processes for qualitative methods including identifying a research problem, developing research aims and questions, sampling, sample size and recruitment, study designs, data collection methods, specifically the development of skills for conducting interviews and group discussions, analysis approaches, and concepts of rigor, credibility and transferability.

This subject is intended for professionals who have responsibility for planning and implementing evaluations of programs and services in public health and health care sectors. Students will develop an in depth understanding and gain experience in applying major frameworks, models and approaches for evaluating public health programs and health services in a range of practice contexts. Students will develop and in-depth understanding of the approaches and levels of evaluation, and skills in choosing appropriate methods for each level of evaluation. Case studies will be used to develop students understanding of the strengths and limitations of different evaluation approaches. Students will have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan and data collection instrument.

In this subject, graduate researchers develop a detailed protocol for a systematic review of research literature on a health-related topic relevant to their field. The subject is particularly beneficial for students commencing graduate research degrees. Students will undertake background work to justify their systematic review, construct and refine a review question, design a comprehensive search for relevant research literature, designed unbiased methods to select and evaluate the research literature, and select appropriate methods for the extraction and synthesis of data from the included studies. Students will work closely with their thesis supervisor and the subject coordinator as required.

In this subject, students will learn how to develop and refine research questions select appropriate research designs and develop analyses for quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies. This subject is designed specifically for Graduate Researchers, therefore emphasis will be placed on evaluating the appropriateness of research questions, and associated methods and analysis for their research thesis.

Specialisation (60CP): Option 1: Advanced Practice (Complete 3 CORE choice (45CP))


In this subject you will be introduced to the fundamental aspects of managing health related projects, including the project management life cycle; the functions essential to successful project management; ethical delivery of projects, developing a project management plan; verifying and controlling the project scope; defining, scheduling and allocating resources; and monitoring project quality. Working independently and as a part of a team, you will learn to organise, plan and perform projects, and develop the ethical, critical thinking and interpersonal skills required to understand, analyse, and improve projects.

In this subject, you will gain practical experience, applying analytical and problem-solving strategies to real health care and public health problems using an action learning framework by implementing the project you have designed in PHE5PMH and using the evaluation criteria developed in your research methods subject. You will complete an action learning project directed at improving health by integrating skills and knowledge gained in the postgraduate programs of the School of Psychology and Public Health and deepening skills in reflection, project management, planning and evaluation. The concept of reflective practice is applied and you will have the opportunity to examine their styles and practice, consider their development needs and how they might ensure ongoing learning throughout their careers.

In this subject, you will continue to gain practical experience, applying analytical and problem-solving strategies to real health care and public health problems using an action learning framework by implementing the project you have designed in PHE5PMH, using the evaluation criteria developed in their research methods subject and commenced implementing in PHE5ALA. You will complete an action learning project directed at improving health by integrating skills and knowledge gained in the postgraduate programs of the School of Psychology and Public Health and deepening skills in reflection,
project management, planning and evaluation. The concept of reflective practice is applied and you will have the opportunity to examine your styles and practice, consider your development needs and how you might ensure ongoing learning throughout your career.

Specialisation (60CP): Option 2: Applied Research (Choose 1 method CORE choice (15CP))


In this subject, students will learn methods to conduct quantitative research. Students will develop knowledge in defining research aims and questions, hypothesis, sampling, sample size and recruitment, study designs, data collection and analysis. They will learn questionnaire design, and biostatistical techniques required to analyse and draw inferences from health data. Students will use a statistical software package to perform statistical analyses. Students will be introduced to how to display and visualise data before going on to learn how to compare groups using t-tests, ANOVA, and chi-squared tests; test for relationships between two (or more) variables using correlation and linear and logistic regression and look at effect modification and interactions.

The focus of this subject is an introduction to qualitative research methods, however mixed methods research approaches are also considered in relation to epistemological positions. In this subject students will learn processes for qualitative methods including identifying a research problem, developing research aims and questions, sampling, sample size and recruitment, study designs, data collection methods, specifically the development of skills for conducting interviews and group discussions, analysis approaches, and concepts of rigor, credibility and transferability.

In this subject, graduate researchers develop a detailed protocol for a systematic review of research literature on a health-related topic relevant to their field. The subject is particularly beneficial for students commencing graduate research degrees. Students will undertake background work to justify their systematic review, construct and refine a review question, design a comprehensive search for relevant research literature, designed unbiased methods to select and evaluate the research literature, and select appropriate methods for the extraction and synthesis of data from the included studies. Students will work closely with their thesis supervisor and the subject coordinator as required.

In this subject, students will learn how to develop and refine research questions select appropriate research designs and develop analyses for quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies. This subject is designed specifically for Graduate Researchers, therefore emphasis will be placed on evaluating the appropriateness of research questions, and associated methods and analysis for their research thesis.

Specialisation (60CP): Option 2: Applied Research (Complete 3 CORE choice (45CP))


In this subject, you will commence the first stage of the research process. You will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to design a research study in your chosen discipline and demonstrate your knowledge of the ethical guidelines prescribed by the university. You will be supervised by an academic who is an expert in the disciplinary field. Throughout the research process, you will receive support and guidance through consultations with your supervisor and via workshops. The research workshops will engage you in learning activities to develop your knowledge about how to undertake a literature review, which includes effective data search techniques and the use of the recommended reference management tool, EndNote.

In this subject, you will build on your learning in PHE5005 to progress your research. You will further develop the skills and knowledge required to undertake a literature review. You will apply your chosen research methods to advance your study and enhance and apply your organisational and time management skills to formulate a research plan. Throughout the research process, you will continue to receive support and guidance through consultations with your supervisor and via workshops.

This subject builds on your learning from PHE5005 and PHE5006. You will progress, finalise and communicate your 15,000-word thesis. You will be guided in this final stage of your research by an academic supervisor who is an expert in the disciplinary field. Throughout the research process, you will continue to receive support and guidance through consultations with your supervisor and via workshops. The thesis grade will be awarded after the final submission of your thesis in this subject.

